Photo: Zbigniew Niewiadomski, UNEP/GRID - Warsaw Centre
The Framework Convention on the Protection and Sustainable Development of the Carpathians (Carpathian Convention) is the second worldwide (besides the Alpine Convention) multilateral international agreement concerning the protection and sustainable development of a single mountain region.
Similarly to the Alpine Convention, the Carpathian Convention is a “framework” convention, and does not contain detailed and specific substantive obligations, but expresses the political will of the Parties to cooperate, establishes the framework for cooperation, determines the thematic scope for cooperation as well as common objectives and principles.
The Carpathian Convention was adopted and signed on 22 May 2003 in Kyiv, Ukraine, and entered into force on 4th January 2006.
See also:
The genesis of the Convention
The objective of the Carpathian Convention is the cooperation of its Parties, and pursuing a comprehensive policy for the protection and sustainable development of the Carpathian region, in order to improve the quality of life, strengthen local economies and communities, and maintain the natural, landscape and cultural heritage values of the Carpathians.
The Parties to the Carpathian Convention are the seven countries of the region: Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovak Republic, and Ukraine. The European Union (which is a Party to the Alpine Convention) has not yet become a Party to the Carpathian Convention.
See also:
The importance of the Carpathian Convention for the European integration
The Carpathian Convention in Poland
The geographic scope of application of the Carpathian Convention in Poland
The Carpathian Convention
See also:
Public participation in the implementation of the Carpathian Convention
Sustainable development of tourism in the Carpathians
The thematic scope of the Carpathian Convention
* According to Art. 2 of the UNESCO Convention on the protection of intangible cultural heritage (Paris, 2003) traditional knowledge is part of the intangible cultural heritage. The wording of Art. 11 of the Carpathian Convention stems from the fact of its adoption on 22 May 2003, preceding the adoption of the above UNESCO Convention on 17 October 2003.
See also:
Sustainable development of tourism in the Carpathians
Protection and use of the cultural heritage of the Carpathians for the sustainable development of the region
Spatial planning for the implementation of the Carpathian Convention
More information at the website of the Carpathian Convention