The „Carpathian Municipality” competition was organized by the Ekopsychologia Association under the „Carpathians Unite” project, with the objective to raise the public awareness on the Carpathian Convention, as well as to distinguish and promote Carpathian municipalities which take into account the objectives of conservation and sustainable use of biological and landscape diversity in their development policy and daily activities.
The winners of the „Carpathian Municipality” competition were:
1. Raciechowice Municipality (Myslenice County of the Malopolskie Province)
2. Zarszyn Municipality (Sanok County of the Podkarpackie Province)
3. Istebna Municipality (Cieszyn County of the Silesian Province)
The remaining seven finalists were Iwkowa, Mszana Dolna and Zawoja municipalities in the Malopolskie Province, Dukla and Wojaszówka municipalities in the Podkarpackie Province, plus Brenna and Ujsoły municipalities in the Silesian Province. The three winner municipalities were awarded equipment worth respectively nine, seven and five thousand PLN. The award ceremony took place at the second Forum of the Carpathian Municipalities (2015).
Presentations of 33 municipalities submitted for the „Carpathian Municipality” competition are available online.
The „Carpathian Identity” competition for informal youth groups was organized by the Ekopsychologia Association under the „Carpathians Unite” project, with the objective to raise the public awareness on the Carpathian Convention, as well as to distinguish youth groups that present in a creative manner their own sense of the Carpathian identity, linked to natural and cultural assets of their place of residence.
The winners of the „Carpathian Identity” competition were the three informal youth groups: “Ballada” from Zakliczyn, “Młodzieżowa Rada Tuchów” (“Youth Council Tuchów”) from Tuchów, and “catch up” from Nowy Sącz (all three from the Malopolskie Province).
Presentations of 18 informal youth groups submitted for the „Carpathian Identity” competition are available online