The Strategy

According to Article 12.2. of the Protocol on Sustainable Tourism, in order to mitigate the impacts of tourism on fragile mountain ecosystems of the Carpathians and to provide for a more equal distribution of the tourist traffic in the Carpathian region - each Party shall take measures in its national territory with the objective to disperse, redirect and channel part of the tourist traffic out of the current main tourist destinations and sensitive sites such as protected areas, to the areas being less ecologically sensitive, less developed and less explored by tourism, but having sufficient potential to absorb and accommodate part of the tourist traffic.

Such policy would mitigate negative migration and rural depopulation trends, contribute to poverty alleviation and allow for more equal sharing of benefits and revenues from the tourist services sector by all municipalities of the Carpathian region.

Between 2012 and 2015 “The Strategy for the sustainable development of tourism in the Magical Land of Lemko and Pogorzanie” was developed under the “Carpathians Unite” project, with the participation of 38 neighbouring Carpathian municipalities. This activity can be perceived as the pilot action towards the implementation of the Protocol on Sustainable Tourism in the Polish part of the Carpathian region. This model strategy for the “Magical Land” can easily be applied also in other parts of the Carpathians.


publication “The local potential and the sustainable development of tourism in the Carpathian Mountains” (in Polish, with brief English summaries of chapters)

publication “The Strategy for the sustainable development of tourism in the Magical Land of Lemko and Pogorzanie” (available solely in the Polish language version)